How to Open Freelancing Account and Earn Money 2024

Many people are interested in knowing how to open a freelancing account. Because there are lots of unemployed people here, and the demand for freelancing jobs has increased. 

So if you’re interested in freelancing, it’s better to not delay and open a freelance account now. In this article, I’ll tell you how to open a freelancing account and what freelancing is and its different types. Let’s not wait any longer and start reading the whole article.

What is Freelancing?

Freelancing is basically a job where you work for yourself. No one will threaten you or force you to work. You can do this job whenever you want. You don’t have to go anywhere to do freelancing; you can do it from home. All you need is skill and an internet connection. Freelancing means a free profession. In our country, the job market is currently very bad.

Many students are earning money by freelancing from home. And the amount of money is so much that you will be surprised when you know it. There are also freelancers in our country who earn 7 to 8 lakh taka per month. You are surely surprised, but it’s not just a made-up story. Thousands of people are leaving their jobs and turning to freelancing nowadays. The reason is freedom in this profession.

If you ever feel sick and don’t want to work, you can take a rest. But if you work in an office, you have to go even if you are sick. And freelancers earn more money than jobholders nowadays. And through freelancing, you can learn a lot regularly and communicate with foreign clients. I hope now you understand what freelancing actually is.

Types of Freelancing

To understand freelancing, you need to know about it first. Freelancing has many different types. You can choose the sector where you have more skills. Nowadays, many freelancers work in multiple sectors at the same time. In our country, you can see numerous freelancers who have opened their own agencies. They provide various types of freelancing services. Earning money online through freelancing is the easiest way globally. Let’s now learn about the types of freelancing:

  1. Writing
  2. Coding, Programming, Development
  3. Graphics Design
  4. Virtual Assistant
  5. Mobile App Development
  6. Branding and PR
  7. SEO Professional
  8. HR Management
  9. CAD and 3D Modeling
  10. Translation
  11. Social Media Specialist
  12. Editing

Each of these sectors has different branches. For example, in writing, you can find script writing or blog writing. Similarly, in each sector, you will find various other branches. But first you need to open a freelancing account.

Practice more on the subject you feel skilled at. And in the future, try to gain expertise in new branches of freelancing. Then you will see that you become skilled in many subjects and can expand your business in multiple sectors at the same time.

How to Open a Freelance Account

Maybe you came here to know how to open a freelancing account. Now I’ll tell you in a very easy way how to open a freelancing account.

  • To open a freelancing account, first, you need to find a freelance platform. Right now, there are many freelance platforms. Among them, you have to choose the most suitable platform where you can open an account. Popular freelance platforms are Upwork, Fiverr, Freelancer, Guru, and many more platforms are available. You need to open an account on each platform to work. And after opening an account, you need to mention your experiences and skills.
  • After opening a freelancing account on your favorite platform, you need to set up your profile. Set up your profile so that clients get attracted as soon as they visit your profile. Make sure to add a formal picture. And mention your skills beautifully. Also, mention why you are different from other freelancers. Let them know what benefits they will get from your service. And make sure to share demos of your previous work on your profile so that clients can review them.
  • Then you have to apply for jobs. On every freelance platform, you can see many job posts. And the posts mention what kind of work clients need. You have to write an application nicely. And you must mention why you are suitable for that job. It largely depends on your application whether you will get the job or not.
  • After getting the job, make sure to complete the work on time every day. This will lead to good reviews on your profile from clients. And the chances of getting more work will increase. Also, clients might refer your work to their friends. So, always maintain a good relationship with clients.

Why make a Freelancing Account? 

Well, if you’re good at something and want to earn money from home, why not create a freelance account? With it, you can use your skills to work from home and make good money. Plus, it’s a completely independent job. You can freelance anytime, anywhere. So, if you have the skill, you should definitely create a freelance account. We discussed already how to open freelancing account.

Work in Freelancing Marketplace

In freelancing marketplaces, you can find many types of jobs. But you must have a freelancing account. If you’re skilled in a certain field, you can work in that field. But the most common jobs you can find in freelancing marketplaces are:

  • Writing content
  • Designing logos
  • Digital marketing
  • Website development
  • WordPress
  • Android development
  • App development
  • Video editing
  • Video creation
  • Server management
  • Coding

There are also many other types of jobs available in freelancing marketplaces that you can explore.

What is Project Bid in Freelancing Account

Whenever you create a freelancing account on any freelancing platform, you will have to bid for projects. These projects are usually published by any company or client. If you have the skills for this type of work, you will apply by reading the entire post well. And applying for that is called project bidding.

  • First, you will click on the project you want to work on.
  • Then you will be able to see all the information about the project.
  • After seeing the information, you will understand what skills you need.
  • Now when you apply, you have to write down the skills you have.
  • You have to explain to the client why giving you this job will benefit them.

And you also have to write how much money you will take to do it and how many days later you will submit the project.

Then when you click on the “place bid” option, your bid will be placed.

What Skills Need for Freelancing

You already know how to open a freelancing account. After opening the freelance account, you need skills to learn work.

Not only for freelancing, but skills are needed for any job. If you don’t have the right skills, you won’t go very far. There is a lot of competition around us now. Almost everyone is pretty skilled at work. So, if you want to succeed in any sector, you have to become skilled. However, if you have some skills, you can do freelancing.

If you want to work with foreign clients, you need to be good at English. Also, you need to be skilled in communicating. Communication is the most important thing in freelancing. The better you can communicate, the better you will get jobs.

It’s not very hard at all. You can improve your English by watching YouTube or reading books. And as you do freelancing, your communication skills will gradually improve. So, there’s really nothing to be afraid of.

If you are interested in freelancing, search on YouTube. You’ll find many freelancers’ videos who are very experienced. They regularly help freelancers by giving advice on various topics.

How to Start Freelancing

  • Before you learn how to open a freelancing account, you need to know how to start freelancing. Everyone uses the internet nowadays, and to freelance, you first need the internet. Because finding work, creating work, and submitting it to clients, all of that you’ll do through various websites. So, you need the internet. And whatever freelancing work you can do, you also need to market it.
  • There are different Facebook groups or social media websites where you can market your professionalism. Also, you need to create a professional account. The more you market your skills, the more people will know you as an expert in that field. This way, you’ll quickly find clients.
  • You’ve already learned that there are many fields or sectors in freelancing. You need to figure out which sector interests you the most and where your skills are strongest. You can see many posts on various freelancing marketplaces where clients write about the skills they need. By getting these posts, you’ll understand what skills you need to increase to work in that sector.
  • Once you’ve found your field, you need to create a bio or profile. Your bio or profile is your identity. And in this bio, you’ll arrange your skills in a way that will attract clients at first glance. The first thing that catches the client’s eye when they enter your profile is your picture. So, always use a formal picture. Write a description according to your skills. Currently, there’s a lot of competition in freelancing. There are countless professional freelancers in the marketplace. To stand out, you must have special skills. And to acquire freelancing skills, you don’t have to worry too much.
  • If you have patience, you can learn freelancing from YouTube. Also, nowadays, you can buy various freelancing courses. These courses are very effective for freelancing education. This way, you can gradually progress on your freelancing path.

How to Learn Freelancing

Learning freelancing is not very hard. If you’re interested and patient, you can learn freelancing in a short time. Nowadays, we all use the internet. We often watch various entertaining videos on our smartphones while sitting at home. Similarly, you can watch various freelancing tutorial videos on YouTube using your smartphone at home. These videos are very effective. Experienced freelancers provide these videos.

If you have patience, you can slowly watch these videos and practice to learn freelancing. Besides, you can find various online courses to buy. Different courses are available based on different sectors of freelancing. Through these courses, you can learn freelancing while sitting at home.

And if you want to learn freelancing hands-on, then offline courses are the most suitable for you. There are many IT institutes that teach freelancing. Among them, Udemy, Creative IT Institute, E-Shikhon are some. There are many more such institutes. You can enroll in these institutes and learn freelancing.

Benefits of Freelancing

Freelancing has many benefits. Since it’s a flexible job, its benefits are endless. Let’s learn about the benefits of freelancing:

  1. Independence in work
  2. Setting your own salary
  3. Time flexibility
  4. Opportunity to work with countless organizations
  5. Opportunity to build your own team and work together
  6. Opportunity to work alongside studying
  7. Creating a work environment according to your own mind
  8. Getting to know people from different countries
  9. Improving communication skills
  10.  Being able to learn new things about different topics every day

The Disadvantage of Freelancing

Alongside its benefits, there are some problems in this sector. But these problems are mostly physical. Let’s find out –

  • Freelancers often sit in one place for a long time to work, which can cause some physical problems. Such as back pain, neck pain, and so on.
  • Again, because freelancers often stare at the screen for long periods, they may experience eye problems most of the time.
  • Changing the habit of sleeping to work at night can lead to physical illness.


I hope you understand what freelancing is and its advantages and disadvantages, and how to open a freelancing account. In this post, I have also shared some ways to learn freelancing. Those who want to earn money from home can choose this profession. In this profession, you can have both independence and earn a good amount of money. I hope you liked today’s post. Many thanks for being with us.

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