Medication for Premature Ejaculation

Premature ejaculation can cause conflicts and frustration in married life. Out of shame, many people avoid talking about it. If someone faces the following issues, they might have premature ejaculation:

  • Addiction to drugs leading to premature ejaculation.
  • The problem persists for six months or more.
  • Ejaculation occurs within a minute or less during intercourse.
  • Ejaculation happens too early, causing sexual dissatisfaction or frustration in the partner.

If these issues occur, the person likely has premature ejaculation. Do you want to know the causes and treatments for premature ejaculation? Below is detailed information about medications and treatments for premature ejaculation.

Medications for Premature Ejaculation

In today’s society, premature ejaculation is a common issue among men, causing marital conflicts and increasing divorce rates. Here are some medications for premature ejaculation:

  1. Daxetin 30 MG (ACI)
  2. Depotin 30 MG (Incepta)
  3. Susten 30 MG (Square)
  4. Ejalong 30 MG (Drug International)
  5. Depoxen 30 MG (Opsonin)

Usage Instructions: Take one capsule 1-3 hours before intercourse, and do not take more than one capsule in 24 hours. Individuals with heart problems, high blood pressure, those under 18, or over 65 should avoid these medications.

Using these medications may cause side effects, so always consult a doctor before use.

Permanent Solutions for Premature Ejaculation

To overcome premature ejaculation, you need to be mentally strong. Natural methods and effective foods can be very helpful. Here are some permanent solutions:

  1. Deep Breathing: During intercourse, take deep breaths. When you are about to ejaculate, hold your breath. This can help control the reflex. Practice this several times to gradually increase the time.
  2. Frequent Intercourse: Have intercourse more than once within 24 hours. This reduces sensitivity and delays ejaculation due to less available semen. Regular practice can increase the duration over time.
  3. Stimulating Foods: Consuming black coffee or watermelon juice before and after intercourse can maintain physical arousal. Caffeine in coffee keeps the mind alert.
  4. Numbing Gels or Sprays: You can use numbing gel or spray on the penis head, but avoid this if you have a sensitivity issue.
  5. Intermittent Pauses: Take short breaks during intercourse to reduce the urge to ejaculate. Though it might be annoying initially, continuous practice will help control ejaculation.
  6. Various Positions: Experiment with different sexual positions to find what works best for you. Each couple may have a preferred position that helps prolong intercourse.
  7. Control Penetration Speed: Start with slow and deep penetration. Avoid fast movements that increase sensitivity. Use angled movements for better control.
  8. Mind Diversion: Try to divert your mind away from ejaculation. Constantly thinking about it can reduce your staying power. Visualize long intercourse sessions daily to help increase duration.
  9. Extended Foreplay: Spend more time on foreplay without rushing. Focus on less sensitive areas first, moving to more sensitive spots gradually. Learn about the clitoris and G-spot to enhance the experience for both partners.

By following these tips and consulting with a healthcare provider, you can effectively manage and treat premature ejaculation.

Quick Ejaculation Treatment with Homeopathy Medicine

Some men experience quick ejaculation which is sometimes linked to impotence. There are many treatments available today, such as various medicines, psychological counseling, and sexual techniques.

These can help delay ejaculation and improve your and your partner’s sexual life. For many men, a combination of treatments works very well. Below is a discussion on homeopathic treatments and medicines for quick ejaculation.

Homeopathic Treatments for Quick Ejaculation

Here are some homeopathic medicines used for treating quick and thin ejaculation:

  • Caladium Seg (Caladium): This is used if you have frequent wet dreams and your penis becomes limp. You have a strong desire for sex, but you feel powerless. Your penis does not stay erect during intercourse, and you ejaculate quickly.
  • Acid Phos (Acid Phos): This is used for memory loss, a relaxed penis, and very quick ejaculation.
  • Carboneum Sulph (Carbonium Sulph): This is for involuntary ejaculation or a lack of desire for intercourse.
  • Titanium (Titanium): This is used for quick ejaculation and thin semen.
  • Nuphar Lut (Nuphar Luteum): This is for ejaculation caused by sexual excitement or even just talking about sex.

Always follow your doctor’s advice on how to use these medicines.

Reasons Why Men’s Sexual Power is Decreasing

Smoking and Drinking:

  1. Smoking and drinking alcohol have become common in our society. Many men also use other harmful substances. Research shows that most men with erectile dysfunction (ED) are addicted to smoking or drinking.


  1. Not every wife can be a perfect life partner, and sometimes they can cause stress. This stress can affect a man’s overall and physical abilities, including sexual power.

Weight Control:

  1. Being overweight can reduce sexual desire. On the other hand, being underweight is also not good as it can decrease sexual power. Maintaining a normal weight is important.

Lack of Exercise:

  1. Studies show that men who exercise regularly have better sexual power compared to those who don’t. Regular exercise improves blood circulation, which helps increase sexual desire.


  1. Many drug addicts gradually lose their sexual power. Additionally, some medications (like painkillers or contraceptives) have side effects that can reduce sexual power.


  1. Indigestion can reduce sexual power because it affects blood production in the body.

Weak Liver:

  1. A weak liver can lead to decreased sexual power. The liver plays a crucial role in making blood. Symptoms of a weak liver include loss of taste, yellowish skin, and decreased excitement during sex. These signs indicate a weak liver.

Weak Brain:

  1. Weakness in the brain can reduce sexual power. It can cause the nerves related to sexual strength to weaken, leading to increased fatigue after sex. If you feel more tired after sex, it might indicate brain weakness affecting your sexual power.

Herbal Treatments for Premature Ejaculation

Quick ejaculation can cause marital issues and frustration. Many people seek herbal treatments for this problem because they have no side effects. Here are some herbal medicines for quick ejaculation:

  1. Purnachandra Ras
  2. Ashtabakra Ras
  3. Shukra Vallabh Ras
  4. Mammoth Ras
  5. Makaradhvaja Ras
  6. Kamini Vidrawan Ras
  7. Maheshwar Ras
  8. Gandhamrita Ras
  9. Shreekamdev Ras

Diet for Quick Ejaculation Treatment

What you eat can impact the thickness of your semen and help prevent quick ejaculation. Here are some foods that can help:

  • Dates: Eating dates in the morning and evening can increase physical and sexual strength.
  • Milk and Eggs: Drinking a glass of milk and eating an egg daily can prevent sexual problems.
  • Monounsaturated Fats: Include foods like sunflower seeds, peanuts, cashews, pistachios, and pumpkin seeds in your diet.
  • Garlic: Eat garlic daily. It’s best to fry raw garlic in ghee. If that’s not possible, add garlic to your food. Garlic is effective for both sexual and heart health.
  • Fruits: Watermelon, guava, grapes, oranges, tangerines, and pomegranates can boost your sexual strength.
  • Red Meat: Beef is also beneficial for sexual health.

Questions and Answers about Quick Ejaculation Treatment

  1. What is the solution to quick ejaculation?
    • Strengthen your mental willpower and avoid activities that reduce your sexual ability. Gradually, your problem will improve.
  2. What medicine can stop quick ejaculation?
    • There is no natural medicine for this. Using your mind’s power is the best natural way. Other than natural methods, other medicines might be harmful.
  3. Is it harmful to ejaculate monthly?
    • No, it’s not harmful. Just take care of your body with nutritious food and don’t believe myths about ejaculation or masturbation.
  4. What is the benefit of semen?
    • Semen combines with an egg to form an embryo, which later develops into a baby. Without semen, natural conception is not possible.


In this article, we discussed permanent treatments and medicines for quick ejaculation, including tablets, natural treatments, homeopathic treatments, and other medicines. We hope you found it helpful and that it will benefit you.

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